Norwich Recreation Department
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COVID-19 Plan

Norwich Recreation Winter 2021/22 Health & Safety Guidelines
 This working document has been created as an outline of Norwich Recreation’s increased attention to the health, safety and well-being of our program participants.  Direction was taken from the Centers for Disease Control, as well as the Vermont Department of Public Health and consultation from Vermont Recreation Director’s COVID-19 meetings, Vermont Department of Recreation, Vermont State Parks, and the Agency for Commerce and Community Development.  This document is distributed with the understanding that as the public health situation is changing, Norwich Recreation will remain flexible, responsive and sensitive to all federal and state guidelines.

Session Guidelines
- All sessions will have a maximum of 20 participants and 2 coaches/assistants, and a volunteer charged with enforcing our protocols.
- Indoor programs will require that all participants, regardless of vaccination status, wear masks
- No spectators will be allowed in the gyms at any time.
- No games against outside towns are permitted in the Marion Cross Gym.
- Any participant testing positive for COVID-19 must remove themselves from the program for at least 5 days from their initial positive test. They may return after completing 3 consecutive days of negative rapid response tests. 

- All staff will have completed a Vermont background check and will have attended either SafeSport or Cal Ripken coaches training.
- Anyone able to be vaccinated against COVID-19, will be requested to do so.

Participant Guidelines
- Unregistered drop-offs are not permitted
- All who need one will be issued a face mask at no charge.
- Limit sharing of equipment/food/water bottles
- No one with symptoms of illness may attend a Norwich Recreation program. No exceptions.

Site Guidelines
- Norwich Recreation requests that indoor facilities be opened to programs between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. on weekdays, and 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on weekends, when the SAU is not using the property
- Norwich Recreation requests that all spaces be cleaned and trash removed weekly. Coaches will request that all participants remove their belongings and any debris before leaving a practice session.

 *Updated 2/7/2022
