Tracy Hall Gym and Facilities
To accommodate family scheduling, the Tracy Hall gym will be open for families to meet up after school and get ready for the evening. Parents are welcome to drop off costumes in the morning and return after school for the costume switch and school bag pick up. Tracy Hall will remain open until 8:00pm, offering bathrooms, water and a warming area.
Activities Around Town
3:15-4:15pm - Costume switches and face painting stations at Tracy Hall
3:30-4:30pm - The Norwich Inn (325 Main Street) starts your evening with cider, hot chocolate, and cookies!
4:30-6:30pm - Halloween celebration with the new Norwich Community Collaborative (344 Main Street)
4:30pm- Norwich Fire Department & Support Team (11 Firehouse Lane) will host a Hot Dog Open House with a canned goods food drive. Norwich Farm Creamery will provide cocoa!
5:00-6:30pm - Miss Lani at the Children’s Art Studio (326 Main Street) will add some creativity and whimsy by hosting a chimpanzee-themed event w/ a Jane Goodall inspired slideshow.
5:00-7:00pm - Norwich Congregational Church hosts “Halloween Hospitality” with bread, soup and cider